Monday, January 30, 2012

Connection successful!

I swear I have never been so grateful for the internet. 46 days after signing up for our internet/phone/cable, we are finally back online and connected to the world! Ironically, we ordered our internet service only 2 days before the vessel carrying all our furniture left Seattle, headed south towards the Panama canal, crossed over to the Atlantic, and sailed back up to France. The modem, on the other hand, was sent from within France. Guess which one got here first?

... Well, it was the modem. But not by much! The ship was due in port on Thursday. It has been delayed until later this week, but really, they were pretty damn close. On the bright side, our superfast fiber optic wireless has been plug-and-play and blazing fast. L just downloaded 237mb wirelessly in less than 2 minutes. Score one for technology!

Between the two of us, we have so much to write about. I am giddy just thinking about it. But right now I am typing this on an ipad, and as impressive as the touchpad is, it just isn't the same as a real keyboard. More updates soon, I promise. For now, bonne nuit, et à bientôt!



  1. I'm expecting a few novellas over the next couple of weeks.

  2. Omg I'm so glad u are back online! We miss you two so much! Let's have a Skype date soon, okay?
